Skin disorders, Hair disorders, Allergies, Children’s disorders, Acidity, Constipation, Ulcers, Kidney stones Gall stones, Liver disorders, Female disorders, Hormonal issues, Migraine, Behavioural disorders in Children, Piles, Seasonal allergies, Growth related issues, Alopecia areata, Pigmentation, Psoriasis, leucoderma, acne vulgaris, pityriasis alba, urticaria, dermatitis, Lichen planus, Blood pressure, Diabetes mellitus, Weight gain, Stress Management, Immunity buildup, Diet, Counselling…
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Hausai residency flat no 301, ingale colony, sopan baug, near Joshi wadewale shivane Pune India | |
+919511867127 | |
drrekhasingh_2020@yahoo.com | |
W: https://drrekhahomoeoclinic.com | |